Presenter Information


  • The presentations should last 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions and turnaround. Your presentation should be created in PowerPoint, aspect ratio 16:10 – 1920 X 1200 and be Windows compatible.
  • Presentations which take place in the main Lecture rooms 1 and 2 at the STEM Centre using the AV system and will need to be checked for compatibility. If you are using embedded videos, GIFs and animations we need to make these are checked in advance,
  • To see when your presentation is scheduled, please go to the Programmes page on the website. You will see the day/time that has been assigned to you. Final allocation of rooms for sessions has not been made yet. The Lectures Theatre 1 & 2 is the largest presenting space with a combined capacity of 290 and we will assess demand and allocate rooms in the next few weeks.
  •  Our conference will see over 130 oral presentations over three days. We therefore request that you submit your presentation as early as possible, no later than Wednesday 28th August, to enable us to make all the checks needed and enable seamless transition from one presentation to the next during the conference. Please submit your presentations when ready via Basecamp using the links below, if you have any problems accessing the Basecamp folder to upload your presentation, please contact Fazila Patel
    Tuesday’s Presentations
    Wednesday’s Presentations
    Thursday’s Presentations

Poster Presenters

  • Your poster should be prepared in A0 portrait format to be compatible with the display boards.
  • Can NCEO staff ensure the NCEO logo is placed on the bottom left of the poster. You can download a colour version, black PNG version and a transparent version of the logo.
  • You are asked to print your poster and bring it to conference. We do not have facilities on site to print your poster. We will provide velcro stickers to afix your poster to the board.
  • We would like to invite all poster presenters to produce an overview slide which will be displayed on the TV screens around conference. The Template for the slide can be found here, along with an example of how it should look. Please send these to Becca Mills no later than Wednesday 28th August.
We hope that all posters will be able to be displayed for the duration of the conference but this is subject to demand and space available. At a minimum your poster will be displayed for the day you have been assigned. Delegates will have an opportunity to browse the posters during refreshment breaks and at early evening sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday.